Of course, playing a sorceress like this will not infrequently require you to restart, as on Hell challenge most bosses have two immunities. Really nice attack for when you're fighting bosses if you can trap the boss behind some barrier. Send out a couple of frost orbs to slow the enemy down, then set a firewall parallel to the direction your opponent is running, running through it to keep them in the flames.

My personal favorites are fire wall and frost orb. To make it possible, you have to divide your focus into two of the elemental powers (I've found separating into three results in too little power). Usually I do it first with a sorceress, as their power is comparatively independent of equipment. Assassin's are probably the easiest to do it with, though, as you can do "hit and run" when going up against mobs that would otherwise take most melee characters out quickly.īut I've soloed Hell challenge with both the sorceress and the amazon. Yeah, nearly impossible to solo with any melee characters.